From Charter-District Wars to a Community of Schools
Mirella Rangel | August 24, 2018
In June, 1Oakland celebrated the passing of the Community of Schools Policy BP 6006 in which the OUSD board declared that “it is the Board’s categorical expectation that all education providers operating or desiring to operate school programs in Oakland – district or charter – as well as families, staff, community members and labor unions, will accept shared responsibility for the sustainability of our school system and embrace the idea that we: (i) do not operate in silos, (ii) are interdependent in our efforts to serve all students and families; and (iii) need to act with consideration of the larger community of schools.”…Read more
We did it! OUSD Passes Community of Schools Policy
Mirella Rangel | June 28, 2018
Just after midnight during Wednesday’s OUSD Board meeting, more than four months after it was first introduced, the Board voted 5-2 in favor of the Community of Schools Policy!
This is an exciting commitment to all kids in our city, and to fiscal sustainability and quality across district and charter schools. At this pivotal time, we are grateful for the effort, energy, and trust that went into this campaign and resulted in last night’s vote for ALL of Oakland’s students….Read more
Tune In: We’re going live this Thursday
Mirella Rangel | June 26, 2018
This is it: the last school board meeting of this academic year. And it’s a big one.
On Wednesday, the OUSD Board will vote on the Community of Schools Policy (BP 6006). This policy was first introduced more than four months ago. It is a declaration by the elected education leaders of our city to finally and officially acknowledge and better coordinate all of our schools and systems so they effectively serve ALL of our city’s kids. View the updated version of the Policy here. …Read more
Educational Inequity Will Persist Without District-Charter Collaboration: Why All Teachers are Needed to Create 1Oakland
Catherine Meyer | May 21, 2018
The district-charter divide has dominated national news headlines for years. As a teacher, district-charter difference is the topic that often dominates questions from my non-educator friends. With all the attention paid to the discord, it is easy to assume that most people would rather talk about what separates schools instead of focusing on what can connect them. I believe, and many agree, that focusing on what can connect all schools is the only way we will truly be able to serve all students….Read more
To Survive its School Funding Crisis, Oakland Must Learn from its Students
January 24, 2018
Families, teachers, and students are frustrated over the impact of the cuts in their schools, and public conversations about our schools and school funding have become increasingly tense. As a city, Oakland has the potential to have great schools and can be an example to the nation — if we learn from our students as we navigate these challenges…Read More
It’s Time for 1Oakland
September 6, 2017
Schools are the fabric of our neighborhoods and we believe that every student in Oakland has the right to a quality public education. We are capable of providing a premier education for all students. But, to deliver on that right, leaders, educators, and the community have to work closely together to address the quality and equity gaps in our schools…Read More
Coming Together for 1Oakland
October 13, 2017
Oakland has 65,000 school-aged kids. We are not doing enough to ensure that all of these students are getting the education that best fits their needs and dreams. Boris Aguilar reflects on how every student has different needs and how those needs change over time…Read More
Learn More about GO Public Schools Oakland
Blogs en Español
Para sobrevivir la crisis financiera en sus escuelas, Oakland debe aprender de sus estudiantes
Las familias, los maestros y los alumnos se sienten frustrados por el impacto de los recortes en sus escuelas y las conversaciones públicas sobre nuestras escuelas y el financiamiento de las mismas se han vuelto cada vez más tensas. Como ciudad, Oakland tiene el potencial de tener excelentes escuelas y puede ser un ejemplo para la nación si aprendemos de nuestros alumnos conforme superamos estos desafíos…Lee Mas
Reunidos por 1Oakland
Oakland tiene 65.000 niñxs de edad escolar. No estamos haciendo lo suficiente para asegurar que todos nuestros estudiantes estén recibiendo la educación que adapte a sus necesidades y sueños. Boris Aguilar reflexiona sobre cómo cada estudiante tiene diferentes necesidades y cómo esas necesidades cambian con el tiempo…Lee Mas